Abide University and Institute is an institution for higher learning. We invite students to share and discuss ideas that contribute to peace of mind and enhance quality of living. READ MORE
Loving the Dudeist swag but it sways my abiditation into the material world a bit too much. I shall abide with these thoughts awhile before making my choice.
So proud to be ordained in addition to my PhD. Like, awesome man.
Can Abide U. make some swag with the following: I DON’T ROLL ON SHABBOS. ?? That would be like cool too.
chill and abide, dude. try looking at the world, situation, life, people in a third party. Best way (for me) is to look at my life has a dark comedy movie/script . just puts me in better thoughts.
Can’t change people, but you can change the story.
dudes, my attention has been come to, and now not one undertaking is undudely. when only a medium while back there was a permanent list of not dude like behavior.
True to the founding principle of the Abide Uni PhD, I look forward to learning to relax more after this award. Hopefully my attitude will drift from 90 degrees to a Dudiful 180.
I am a medical professional withmasters degree 9MBBS; MS ENT) with post masters experience of 26 years. Presently faculty in a medical institution in India
I’ve studied comedy since I was about 5 and in the intervening 54 and a bit years have come nowhere close to achieving maturity. I am a card-carrying member of a satirical, although real, political party in Canada and the doctorate in Comedic Science — as welcome in academia as sandpaper on a toilet roll — would have considerable personal meaning for me. I can also claim to have had jokes stolen from me and used by Wayne & Shuster in a 1978 comedy special. Truth. May I?
I am having Bachelor Degree in Science and MBA degree.I would like to have honorary PhD degree in Bible theology. Please provide if I am eligible for that. I used to conduct Bible Classed and continuing Preaching in Church Services.
Thanking You
The Dude Abides the One true God, his Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. One of the Buddhas was likely Jesus’ Homeboy and Dude of the Supper before the Last One. OM. Namaste, and AMEN!
I believe an investment in education is better than highest interest savings and or money market accounts. Education will let you—in a way—see through muddy water. The best thing any parent can do is to .eave a well -educated child. Learn, learn and re-learn and re-re-re learn
Hey everyone… my goal is kindness and letting everyone travel their own journey, some get mad because I refuse to get into the drahma … but friends and fellow dudest – yea here is the best place to be.
I am so honored to be in such esteemed company. It is heartwarming to know that the term “dude” is non-gendered. It’s about time.
3 years ago
Trying to find Peace, Point, Purpose, and maybe a little Hope since my Wife crossed over. God’s Will does not help me as it did not help Her. So Tiredof Trying.
Loving the Dudeist swag but it sways my abiditation into the material world a bit too much. I shall abide with these thoughts awhile before making my choice.
So proud to be ordained in addition to my PhD. Like, awesome man.
Can Abide U. make some swag with the following: I DON’T ROLL ON SHABBOS. ?? That would be like cool too.
, good words… as thu dude would, slow it, know it, it will show nothing.
Symboliquement très cool ! Merci
As a PhD candidate and Dudeist Priest, my coolness is about maxed. CCR play me on !!
I believe we can Abide.
How to live a pleasant life without undue stress is the core of my ministry. Peace and love, service to all.
nice , this is ecxiting
Already a dudeist preist, looking forward to getting my degree!
woo hoo happy to be here
As a King, I look forward to getting my Doctorate degree from you , which will raise my status the more.
Dude, peace love and hapiness to all. Evrrybody Love Everybody
Nice marmot!
Well. This is more exciting than when I got my 1st student loan bill. Just happy to have been studying for this my whole life.
Hmmm…. how does one become a dude?? (Besides being born into it!) am I out of my element??
chill and abide, dude. try looking at the world, situation, life, people in a third party. Best way (for me) is to look at my life has a dark comedy movie/script . just puts me in better thoughts.
Can’t change people, but you can change the story.
Now, I am Dr. Singa Lama, Ph. D. in Comedic Science (HC). Thank you very much for the honour!!!
Its far out and very pleasant being a Dudeist Priest so far. Its nice to meet up with my own kind. )
dudes, my attention has been come to, and now not one undertaking is undudely. when only a medium while back there was a permanent list of not dude like behavior.
minky need a smoke
hello dudes!!!
You know this is like probably, maybe, likely the most DUDISH gathering of humans if I must say
True to the founding principle of the Abide Uni PhD, I look forward to learning to relax more after this award. Hopefully my attitude will drift from 90 degrees to a Dudiful 180.
Abide Uni is not the correct nomenclature. Abide University and Institute please.
Dude! Cosmic!
I am a medical professional withmasters degree 9MBBS; MS ENT) with post masters experience of 26 years. Presently faculty in a medical institution in India
I/ wanna be a doctor too
I’ve studied comedy since I was about 5 and in the intervening 54 and a bit years have come nowhere close to achieving maturity. I am a card-carrying member of a satirical, although real, political party in Canada and the doctorate in Comedic Science — as welcome in academia as sandpaper on a toilet roll — would have considerable personal meaning for me. I can also claim to have had jokes stolen from me and used by Wayne & Shuster in a 1978 comedy special. Truth. May I?
I am having Bachelor Degree in Science and MBA degree.I would like to have honorary PhD degree in Bible theology. Please provide if I am eligible for that. I used to conduct Bible Classed and continuing Preaching in Church Services.
Thanking You
Is this a weekday?
Shalom to all my Ustedes gente! This is really blowin’ my mime. But the mime’s happy, so, he’s got no complaints.
The Dude Abides the One true God, his Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. One of the Buddhas was likely Jesus’ Homeboy and Dude of the Supper before the Last One. OM. Namaste, and AMEN!
I have committed myself to higher unlearning.
I’ma need a White Russian for this.
oreo cookie midnight express with laughing buddha goes really well with this 🙂
I believe an investment in education is better than highest interest savings and or money market accounts. Education will let you—in a way—see through muddy water. The best thing any parent can do is to .eave a well -educated child. Learn, learn and re-learn and re-re-re learn
hehehehehe yeah love this
Good Morning All !! It’s so nice to Abide here, lot better content than CNN, FOX new etc..Lol
Hey everyone… my goal is kindness and letting everyone travel their own journey, some get mad because I refuse to get into the drahma … but friends and fellow dudest – yea here is the best place to be.
Hi to everyone, I am indeed happy to part of the growing community that advocates peace, solidarity with others.
It is so easy to explore and succeed !
Hay Everbudy,Hay!
Trying to find my tribe
As a consultant physician I want to be a social reformer for mankind.
Relax-Relief-Repeat! Can I get a “Fuckin-Hey-Man!”
Hey Man
Are there any more recent comments? Feeling a little lonely.
You’re not alone dude, just gotta scroll to the bottom. We’re just very laid back. Keep on keeping on, El Duderino! 😁👌
Is this the taco line?
Wherever you go there you are.
What has been said is said, I need to not say it again
Now, I am referred to as “Master Dude” by the Dudelings….I am truly honored, man…
My advice to the Dudelings…. “Less attitude, more gratitude, man….”
This is so Dude I have to go think awhile. Not hard. I’ll run the Dude app.
Cold weather is coming Dudes, Stay safe n Abide x
The unexamined life is very dude like.
I am so honored to be in such esteemed company. It is heartwarming to know that the term “dude” is non-gendered. It’s about time.
Trying to find Peace, Point, Purpose, and maybe a little Hope since my Wife crossed over. God’s Will does not help me as it did not help Her. So Tiredof Trying.
Stop trying, start abiding. Be well dude.