Welcome to the degree application! Degrees are free and awarded instantly. Learn more here.
• You may have several degrees.
• No degree is a prerequisite for another – you don’t need a Bachelor’s or a Masters in order to get a Ph.D (doctorate)
• You may delete (renounce) your degree at any time by visiting your management page.
• You will be sent an email with your degree information on it, and a link to your degree
I got my bachelor of economical today’s!!! Thank you Abide university… My question is, how I will get transcript that shows the subjects that I did and knowledge I acquired so as to awarded my bachelor of economical??!
Felix Ntenyange.
Hello Felix, we don’t offer any transcripts because you didn’t need to take any classes to receive your degree. Sorry about that! Also, please note that it’s “Economicals” not “Economical”.
Hi Dean Duder, can I use my Ph.D title in any part of the world?
This is an awesome way to say that you have the degree. I have 2 REAL masters and it took me 2 & 1/2 years to get them. You’ve gotta put in the work to get the prize. However now that I have my Abide University Doctorate. I can put on my tomb stone … Dr. Amy ….woo hoo!
Hey. I saw you number this night. Before midnight that is. EST
I need doctorate degree
Guide how to apply for Honorary Doctorate of music
This Metaphysics stuff is far out!
It would be nice if there was a “Dude of Philosophy” and a “Dude of Divinity” option to choose from. This is all great stuff! I am a big fan of Dudeist Studies.
I’m a Dude who enjoys philosophal what nots sorry I lost my train of though what. There’s alot of stains in this Dudes head…
Yes , a Ph(philosophical) d (Dude) . I had better get to work , maybe I will need to be the President or even the Preresident of the University to push that agenda through.
Marvelous, and well earned I think
Earthology stuff is my favorite subject and learning about mother earth me likey 😊 so how I get my degree of this schooling dudes
Every time I come to the application page, it says I need to log in though I’ve logged in numerous times and have the ‘Remember Me’ ticked :/
Remember me only extends the log in period for a few days, not permanently. Hope that helps!
I have the same problem. But now the website pretends that I do not exist although I gave my e-mail address when I was ordained. So how on earth can I get a doctorate?
As indicated just below the comment box, the comments section is not the place to ask for help. Please contact us at https://www.aui.me/contact so we can better help you.
I want to be a worthy teacher and a good buddy for my future students and to teach them more about the nullity of being
Was there PhD for meme’s? Because I remember obtaining it but I can’t find it any more.
Yes it’s called “Memetics”
I like it alot Budro. what most see as a joke or not real. Dudeism has deep origins. Oh how the way of life. And how powerful to just be. Our advancements in deeper understanding of consciousness and the science thereof. Dù Dé Chìng I is a very real thing. Its a modern way of life from BC to after AD. The age of Enlightenment has begun. Zen Ty~ Take it easy BM
Can I change the date of the Degree to 1995?
Sorry, no. Because we didn’t exist before 2018
I have spoken words
I’m ready to get my degrees
Going for my next
I am dude
Thanks to the regents of ABIDE UNIVERSITY AND INSTITUTE For allowing me to be Ph. D. It is an honor to exhibit my Ph. D in metaphysics in my office. Thanks also for my Ph. D in Limber Arts, Pop Culture, Rokology and my D. Div in the field of Ministry Sciences.
Can we award non-Dudists with degrees? My father in law is definitely a Doctor of Divinity in Leisure Science and a Doctor of Philosophy in Psychemistry. As a Dudeist Priest, am I qualified to accredit someone with a degree?
First off, being Dudeist is not necessary to have degrees at AUI. Secondly, we need people to be in the database with their own email address and legal name. So you can register your father in law, but you have to put his email address and real name, and furthermore, he has to agree to it. When you enter his email address he will get a notification that he has received the degree. Hope that helps!
How do I get a “degree” by this I mean the physical certificate?
You can print out your certificate. If you’d like a high quality version printed by us on parchment with a gold seal, you can get it at our store : https://www.aui.me/store
My teachers said I’ll be no good and here I’m today Doctor
Lets have a white Russian
I would like a PhD degree
I would like a degree in relaxing, so maybe leisure science – so long as I don’t have to do anything much
I am a holder of Master of Arts in Maritime Studies and Education, BSc. In Marine Transportation, Liscense Marine Officer. Aside from my professional credentials, I also got Bachelor in Religious Studies last Oct. 2019. I retired from being
a merchant officer and I am currently served as minister missionary and the same time a part time teacher of practical ministry. I will be grateful if you could award me a PhD in Religious Education. Thank you.
The date of the degree is behind, and wont allow change. I am in NZ, and it is showing as yesterday. Is there a way it can take the system date of the local computer, not a server somewhere?
Please contact us at https://www.aui.me/contact, not via the comments section. Thanks
Recently Ordained – eager to progress.
This is epic! this dudette abides!
It won’t let me see the degrees
Please refresh the page
I thought there would be tacos. They told me there would be tacos.
I’m really getting a degree? Most excellent!
How do I get started? I just finished COVID-19 training at Johns Hopkins. A PhD in Dudeism is my next goal.
Thank you for award of Ph.d. in Earthology
I got certificate honour degree Ph.D
I called doctor front of name
After reading the Abide Guide I really wanted my Thanky Master certificate but it looks like that link is gone. It would be very dude if you brought it back ❤
May I see a list of available degrees?
Yay! Ph.D in Abidance Counselling. I feel validated.
i want free doctorate degree certificate
I need doctorate degree,please how can i get I get?
Jira Abdissa, I have MA in Public procurement and Asset Management from Ethiopian Civil Service University, MBA in NGO and religious management, MA in Economics,BA in accounting and Diploma in Rural economics and social development
Couldn’t any theoretical science degree be gotten through this since theoretically you don’t need proof of your studies just the idea kinda like theoretical quantum physics?
I think this is nice
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why is this appearing? how am I going to solve it?
Thanks Dudes !…. was having a mediocre night…..
Now I feel Righteous Dudes !
Now I am a somebody thanks to my honorary degree.
Thanks for the Ph.D. in Simplicity Theory. Appropriately, earning this degree was the simplest thing I did all day. Plus, the diploma really ties the room together.
Can the certificate be use in Jamaica
I’m hooked
Very good certificate
How can i learn skills
Sure sign me up
This is so going on my resume.
Yes !!!
Why not, just for fun. Right?