An Institution of Higher Learning
Abide University and Institute is an institution for higher learning. We invite students to share and discuss ideas that contribute to peace of mind and enhance quality of living. READ MORE
The Arch-Dude of Wales resides in Cardiff, Wales, with Mrs. Arch-Dude and daughter. It’s lovely.
Hello from The Arch-Dude of Wales. I have a BA(hons) in film and photography from another University, but this is not my only concern. In time I aim to study a veritable feast of subjects and (possibly) give me some answers to the many questions in this Duders head. I also aim to contribute some knowlege so that others may learn, and allow them to wander around slightly more or less confused. I should probably read the rest of this site before commiting to anything, but it’s good to be here and I’m thirsty for knowlege, as long as it’s not heavy or long or takes too much effort. Abide and take it easy, Dudes.