Edit the Lead: Going Out Sucks? Title Web address Brief summary Millennials have figured out that staying home and chilling at night beats throwing away your money Full Commentary According to this article in Vice Magazine, Millennials have finally cracked the code of simple pleasures, with the aid of modern technology and food delivery service. In fact, it suggests that what it has taken most of humanity a lifetime to discover, they've already figured out: they are the new old folks. Staying home, watching TV in their pajamas, and inviting friends over. Simple! [toolset_access role="Administrator,Editor"]You can either upload an image directly...[/toolset_access] Featured Image [toolset_access role="Administrator,Editor"]Or paste in the image address (example: http://some-site.com/image.jpg)... Paste image address [/toolset_access] Leads Categories Arts Cinema Civilization Dudeism Economicals General Education Geopsychology Lifeslacking Philosophy Science -- Parent -- Add New [toolset_access role="Administrator,Editor"][/toolset_access] Please validate reCAPTCHA Get a free honorary Ph.D degree at Abide University