Edit the Lead: How to Practice Wu-Wei Title Web address Brief summary The Taoist idea of Wu Wei means "actionless action" or "action without effort." Full Commentary One of the essential elements of the Taoist philosophy is that of Wu Wei, or "actionless action." By acting without intention or aggression one can find a more peaceful and satisfying path. Taoists believe that this is the ideal way in which development occurs - if we strive to hard towards an outcome, the result or the side-effects from the result will be disappointing or inelegant. [toolset_access role="Administrator,Editor"]You can either upload an image directly...[/toolset_access] Featured Image [toolset_access role="Administrator,Editor"]Or paste in the image address (example: http://some-site.com/image.jpg)... Paste image address [/toolset_access] Leads Categories Arts Cinema Civilization Dudeism Economicals General Education Geopsychology Lifeslacking Philosophy Science -- Parent -- Add New [toolset_access role="Administrator,Editor"][/toolset_access] Please validate reCAPTCHA Get a free honorary Ph.D degree at Abide University