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The U. Abides › Forums › Lounge › General Discussion › Dudetastic Duos (in fiction)
I was thinking about the great Dudely Duos of television and movies who have personified many principles of abiding.
First comes to mind is Ted “Theodore” Logan and Bill S. Preston, Esquire. Indeed, these are two most excellent dudes, worthy of honorary degrees — nay — professorships in Rockology, Geopsychology, Comedic Science and Leisure Science just to name a few.
The next Dudeical Duo I think of is Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar [I was today years old when I learned that Garth’s last name is Algar]. They’re just……so Dudeist that I’m at a loss of words to describe them. They were easy going even when they were rocking the hardest. It’s exemplary of Dudeist paradox that only a master Dudeist could be.
Though not last, admittedly probably least: Beavis and Butthead. A couple of Dudes in the infant stages of Dudeist maturity. On the evolutionary Dudeist scale, they are still tadpoles, and it’s unlikely they would ever evolve beyond that, and that’s okay. Everybody starts somewhere. They hang out, listen to music, eat nachos, work a modest job, do absolutely nothing productive or beneficial, always in the pursuit of “scoring” and never do, yet they always have a good time, are always optimistic, and they always keep trucking ahead. They’re dumber than a box of rocks, to such point that they don’t realize it, and yet they are happy.
Lastly (I think), a Dudely Duo which transcends both television and real life: Chris Farley and David Spade (and their numerous characters together). Real pair of Dudes who brought us many real laughs and memories.
I could say more, but I’m tired, so take it easy, man.
R2-D2 and C-3PO