Edit the Lead: Doing nothing for 15 minutes a day keeps you young Title Web address Brief summary Taking it easy every day keeps your mind limber. Full Commentary Neuroscientist Sara Lazar found that people who practiced meditation had more gray matter in the part of the brain linked to decision-making and working memory: the frontal cortex. While most people see their cortexes shrink as they age, 50-year-old meditators in the study had the same amount of gray matter as those half their age. [toolset_access role="Administrator,Editor"]You can either upload an image directly...[/toolset_access] Featured Image [toolset_access role="Administrator,Editor"]Or paste in the image address (example: http://some-site.com/image.jpg)... Paste image address [/toolset_access] Leads Categories Arts Cinema Civilization Dudeism Economicals General Education Geopsychology Lifeslacking Philosophy Science -- Parent -- Add New [toolset_access role="Administrator,Editor"][/toolset_access] Please validate reCAPTCHA Get a free honorary Ph.D degree at Abide University