Edit the Lead: Looking To Meet People? Try A Bowling League! Title Web address Brief summary We all have trouble putting ourselves out there and meeting new people but the Dude had it right by joining a Bowling League with his pals Walter and Donny. Full Commentary We all have trouble putting ourselves out there and meeting new people but the Dude had it right by joining a Bowling League with his pals Walter and Donny. You get to know people slowly and if you need to leave a conversation because it's boring or uncomfortable just say It's Your Roll, man. Fabulous stuff man! [toolset_access role="Administrator,Editor"]You can either upload an image directly...[/toolset_access] Featured Image [toolset_access role="Administrator,Editor"]Or paste in the image address (example: http://some-site.com/image.jpg)... Paste image address [/toolset_access] Leads Categories Arts Cinema Civilization Dudeism Economicals General Education Geopsychology Lifeslacking Philosophy Science -- Parent -- Add New [toolset_access role="Administrator,Editor"][/toolset_access] Please validate reCAPTCHA Get a free honorary Ph.D degree at Abide University