Looking To Meet People? Try A Bowling League!

Category: Civilization, Dudeism, Lifeslacking
Summary: We all have trouble putting ourselves out there and meeting new people but the Dude had it right by joining a Bowling League with his pals Walter and Donny.
Link: https://www.lifesavvy.com/18852/bowling-leagues-are-the-low-key-casual-social-experience-you-need/
We all have trouble putting ourselves out there and meeting new people but the Dude had it right by joining a Bowling League with his pals Walter and Donny. You get to know people slowly and if you need to leave a conversation because it’s boring or uncomfortable just say It’s Your Roll, man. Fabulous stuff man!
Date posted: March 25, 2020
one of my buddys reacently joined a bowling league just to meet new people. at first it was all gutters. he was on a one man couples team for a few frames. being the odd bowler out and not connecting with the others at first ,He almost quit the league. however the pins started falling hard after a few weeks. he opened up with the other rollers, was asigned a decent partner and as of tonight their partnership has them in third place. they played the number one team and won 3-1 .. i also just got word that he… Read more »
I physically can’t play the sport😔