- Tie your room together.
Back at his house, we find the Dude not only in his home, but also at home in the world. The initial loss of his rug, which “really tied the room together,” is now more clearly put in context. Again and again in the film the Dude retreats to his modest bungalow to rest and recharge from the challenges that the outside world has imposed on him. And each time, he is able to find his center quickly by performing unorthodox meditative routines. In one scene, we see him freshly bathed, performing tai chi on his new rug,[14] a White Russian cocktail in hand. “As for compensation,” the Dylan theme song to the movie goes,[15] “there’s little he would ask.” The Dude doesn’t ask for much.
Having a cave to retreat to was fundamental to the evolution of human psychology. Regarding home as a sacred space instead of just storage for stuff is crucial in helping us deal with the dipshits waiting for us just outside the door. They say your body is your temple, but as temples go, it’s a little soft and vulnerable. A modest but quiet space with a good lock on the door is the little compensation we should ask.[16]
The truth of reality, is that you are a simple emanation of your core. Your core is the pure energy within. Within, your true self is a singularity of your own consciousness.
Shut The Fuck Up Donnie. Let us all kill the little man inside us questioning all of our great leaps towards happiness