The extremes of looking for a job and laziness entail each other,
Like those of taking ’er easy, and taking the money.
The Stranger has never been to London or France,
But never feels like the good lord gypped him.
He’s seen something every bit as stupefying as you’d see in any of those other places.
So he invites the Dude to take ’er easy for his sins,
Remains calm and orders a sarsaparilla.
That’s a good one.
But a beautiful heiress cannot indulge in fun and games,
Else she will squander her fruit,
And she cannot date the Dude,
Or she will lose her commendation.
Tao Te Ching: 26
The extremes of work and whimsy
Entail each other,
Like those of tranquility and tension.
The sage walks all day,
But never abandons his cargo.
Even though there are magnificent sights to distract him,
He remains calm and single-minded.
It is only when his duty is done
That he can go back to being unconcerned and aloof.
Similarly, a great ruler cannot indulge in frivolity,
Else he will lose his focus.
And he cannot allow himself to abandon his self-control,
Else he will lose all of his control.
Missing verse 5 of Tao de Ching
yes it is missing, but like the sacred rug, we know it still exists, somewhere.