The follower of achievement
Accomplishes more than most men.
The follower of the Dude
Just drops in to see what condition his condition is in.
By slowing down his career,
The Dude reaches a state of total pacifism.
By letting things roll freely,
Allowing the pins to fall where they may,
He strikes effectively, sparing little.
Which bothers some men.
To conquer the world, take it easy.
If you must do something,
Do a J,
And let the world conquer itself.
Tao Te Ching: 48
In the development of knowledge, there is a daily augmenting,
But in the development of Tao, there is a daily diminishing.
One strives less and less,
Until all action unfolds without objective.
Although one appears to do very little at all,
Everything important is achieved.
To effectively husband the world,
Do not wrestle with it.
Obstruct its natural flow,
And you will find yourself pushed aside.
Missing verse 5 of Tao de Ching
yes it is missing, but like the sacred rug, we know it still exists, somewhere.