Strong vaginas don’t want to see us socially,
And private dicks won’t leave us the fuck alone.
Cleft assholes laugh at us,
But they’re not privy to the new shit.
Do they think we’re fucking around here?
Mark it zero.
On the other hand,
Dudeness benefits all,
And hurts no one.
When we honor the Dude,
We aren’t dealing with vaginas, dicks, or assholes—
We’re digging the whole durn human comedy.
Dudeness abides—
It sympathizes here,
Slips the rent under the door,
Drives us to Pasadena,
Doesn’t make us saps,
Bowls without fouling,
Dies without feeling like the good lord gypped it,
Apologizes for not listening,
Waves the peace around,
Gives a shit about this whole fucking thing:
The marmot, the poor woman, the money, and what-have-you.
Don’t tattoo it on your forehead,
But this is your answer for everything.
I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.
Tao Te Ching: 51
Tao itself brings forth life,
While virtue, the practice of Tao, helps nurture it.
Things take shape according to their inner nature,
And environment helps perfect them.
This is why everything in the world esteems Tao,
And glorifies virtue.
Yet Tao’s esteem and virtue’s glory,
Are not bestowed upon them.
Rather, they arise naturally.
Tao provides life and nurtures it,
Rears and nourishes it,
Shelters and matures it,
Sustains and protects it.
Though Tao gives life,
It does so without any hint of possessiveness.
It assists without any expectation of return.
It mentors without imposing its authority.
These are the greatest virtues imaginable.
Missing verse 5 of Tao de Ching
yes it is missing, but like the sacred rug, we know it still exists, somewhere.