Abide University is a center for higher learning with a lighthearted approach towards mind and meaning.
We offer free undergraduate and advanced degrees and a community of like-minded learners and thinkers.
Our philosophy is that if it doesn’t help improve quality and enjoyment of life, it’s not a part of our philosophy.
We welcome everyone to contribute to our knowledge base, share leads, and create a lounge for limber minds.
Though not the most esteemed (nor accredited) university on earth, we aim to be the most easygoing.
Latest Knowledge
A philosophy that states that the morally correct action is that which produces the most good.
The Ancient Greek philosophy that posited that the way to happiness was not to hold any fixed judgme…
The religion for those opposed to religion is a lot of fun and helps to illuminate the shortcomings…
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Latest Journal Entries
Troy Lambert discusses the parallels between Dudeism and Buddhism, contrasting the Dude’s way with t…
Pavol Kosnáč discusses how new religions might take unlikely forms in a world increasingly dominated…
By Akshay Ramprakash In one of the most enduring scenes that ever came out of Hollywood cinema, ther…
Oliver Benjamin’s contribution to a scholarly book about popular culture and religion discusses Dude…
Latest Texts
Henri Bergson’s seminal work on comedy reads as if it were written todayish
From the Abide Guide – a good and thorough dissection of The Big Lebowski and why it’s so important
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Latest Innovations from Abide Institute
Movies about vampires and stoners are both extremely popular with a similar demographic. Why not do…
Carole King and Carol Kaye were two of the most influential women in music history. Put them togethe…
A version of the Chia Pet/Chia Head featuring the Dude from the film The Big Lebowski. Chia sprouts…

Tao says a journey starts with a single step. A Dudeist would start this journey after a candle-lit tub bath, a joint and a White Russian (or two). The Dudeist couldn’t see it as a race. Or….well, it’s all….never mind.
That’s just, like, your opinion man
Dude, that’s so rad!
May I nominate Abe Lincoln, POTUS and champion wrestler as a “Great Dude.” Wrestling in dozens of matches,
Pres Lincoln lost only one match. At 6’4″ he towered over contenders to his throne.
I second this
He also had monster arms. They were longer and bigger than normal and he was great at grappling.
As a 16 yo boy, Lincoln was traveling down the ‘sippi river with a friend. They were attacked by river bandits, and ole Abe fought them off with an axe handle.
Plus, man, he was a vampire killer.
I support a posthumous and honorary Dude-ship for a personal hero and inspirational figure in my life, Abraham Lincoln!
There needs to be an Abide University Student ID card
Oh, heck yes!
We’re working on it!
Now available: https://www.aui.me/store
You are a star Sir.
“Never squat with your spurs on.” Wow, this damn thing works, I’m a philosopher!
Thanks to the regents of ABIDE UNIVERSITY AND INSTITUTE For allowing me to be Ph. D. It is an honor to exhibit my Ph. D in metaphysics in my office. Thanks also for my Ph. D in Limber Arts, Pop Culture, Rokology and my D. Div in the field of Ministry Sciences
Please try a different device. We can’t send them manually. Sorry about that.
Sir can you send them again Please on your website or should I apply again. Please advise me.
Please apply again. And also, these types of questions should be asked via email, not on the comments section of the website. Please use aui.me/contact in the future
Ok sir , thanks for your advice
Life will live you if this is what you wish of it?
In silence there is nothing listening and nothing being heard.
Do we log in using the same info as we used for our ordination? If so, how do we’re figure out which one we used, if we have multiples and it’s been years? LOL
Sorry for the late reply. https://www.aui.me and http://www.dudeism.com are completely different websites. Also, you can’t log into dudeism.com – there is no log in feature.
This degree really holds the room together.
Hey! From Australia the most easy going country in the world. This is the perfect place to be a Dudeist
G’day Xander, fellow Aussie dude here! Very new to this abiding lifestyle and curious if there are any face-to-face or online groups for Australian dudes?
“Abide. Or abide not. There is no try.” -Yoda, or something.
We need a smart phone app, so we don’t have to work at this, it could be chill dude and user friendly ☺️ tap tap and your in and sharing knowledge.
Where’s my Dudedeploma?
Can you offer an edu email. I could use the student discounts.
Would be great!
How can I submit a journal ?
Hey all yall are pointing in the right direction were all sayin the same thing in different voices so go get a white russian or 2 and just b. Its saturday nite. Remember the day ur born is the day ya start dyin. Just abide yo
Hello, good day everybody
Love this. Thank you so much for such a fun place to learn! 💋
Awesome. Figured out the IP blacklist problem. 5 thumbs up.
Es ist war nur so etwas wie meine Meinung, aber ein Doktortitel schmückt meinen Namen ungemein! Danke!
Hätte nie gedacht, dass ich das mal schaffe! Jetzt kann ich endlich Politiker werden, ohne mich schämen zu müssen.
Ich glaube, ich werde Gesundheits- oder Verteidigungsminister.
Gruß aus Tschland!
Dr. Phil. M. Sc. Emich
Can i legally use Dr. As prefix after receiving abide university Honorary doctorate free certificate?
yes as long as you are not claiming it as part of getting a raise, employment, or promotion at work or providing services that require specific licenses.
I’ve been a Dudeist priest for some time now and feel that it’s time to step up my game and get my PhD in Abidance counseling.
I’m so glad to be here, time to get a beverage
Can I have a white Russian when I join in?
every day I wish good day ,peace of mind and soul, happiness and joy cheerful and rest, lots of opportunity and moral, hope and eternity for every one.
What if I’ve never seen the movie?
Than you have to watch it dude cuz it’s epic. If you don’t have anywhere to watch it go on almost legal platform TinyZone and write The Big Lebowski. I’ve been using it for a long time and didn’t got any viruses.
I’m very glad to see people relaxing in the discussion forum .
Please how can i register?
Buenas noches a tod@S, saludos cordiales. Cómo hago para obtener en físico mis certificados, sino cuento con cuenta Paypal? Otra opción por favor, escribo desde Venezuela. Gracias
“The inner world acts to influence the outer world” (DBM). Think about this. It is profound.
Hey alumni my children’s book is published. It’s called The Foster Pup. It is available on Amazon or wherever you buy books.
i found tom. hes a cat now.
We are living in unpredictable Environment, yesterday on October 10,2024 there was earth quick in Addis Ababa some specific areas and disturbs many people, what this implies, it it continue or change?
Thank you, I have received the degree I dreamed of, I hope it will be useful for my service.
To counter people dismissing Abide University, we should emphasize that we are the only university to offer many of our majors, such as metaphysics, yet metaphysics is a useful subject, and a recognized branch of philosophy. Plus, we are technically a religious school because we are based on a branch of Buddhism, named Dudeism.
To counter dismissals of Abide University, we should emphasize that we are the only university to offer many of our majors, such as metaphysics, yet metaphysics is a useful subject, and a recognized branch of philosophy. Plus, we are technically a religious school because we are based on a branch of Buddhism, named Dudeism.
Revised: To counter dismissals of Abide University, we should emphasize that we are the only university to offer many of our majors, such as metaphysics, yet metaphysics is a useful subject, and a recognized branch of philosophy. Plus, we are technically a religious school because we are based on a branch of Buddhism, named Dudeism.
A PhD’s value is most exemplified by the holder’s contributions.
Training trumps credentials. For a very specific surgery, a well-trained barber, with a track record of successfully doing that specific surgery, would be a better surgeon than an unexperienced MD.
Earth is community of common destiny
is ok
GIobaI viIIage Humankind community of
comnon destiny worId peopIe’s CuIture
I am but a child coming in midway through this movie, but I really liking the style of this Dudestitution!