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Great Dudes in History are people who have helped further the cause of transcendence, relaxation and fellow feeling without being too preachy or mystical about it. Note: Great Dudes are also female.The painter of “happy little trees” accidentally became a spiritual counselor to millions
The real dude behind the Dude is a real Dude in real life
Hitchhiked his way into our hearts with his deep and hilarious novels
One of the 20th century’s most philosophical and humanistic musicians
Relatively unsung hero of the Beat movement
Author and seminal progenitor of the 1960s counterculture
Entertaining and earnest western popularizer of Zen and Taoism
The smartest dude in history is also one of the most easygoing
American philosopher and humorist
Prime mover of American Trancendentalism
The founder of Cynicism, which is not as cynical (by today’s definition) as it sounds. It’s actually pretty life-affirming
One of the most philosophical comedians in history, and a major proponent for freedom of speech.
The paragon of Dudeliness, even if he isn’t a real person